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Support BrandywineBOTS

BrandywineBOTS depends on your donations to provide high-level programming to ALL students who are interested in learning more about STEM and robotics. We accept two types of donations that allow our club to operate:


  • General Fund - Donations to the General Fund support the general operations and programming offered by the club and impact every child.  This fund provides for things like robot parts, supplies, field elements and competition equipment, tools, insurance, event registration fees, training, etc.


  • Scholarship Fund - Donations to the Scholarship Fund are restricted to two purposes:

    • Offsetting membership costs for children & families who are experiencing financial hardships, or would not otherwise be able to participate in the club due to finances.

    • To build a scholarship fund used to provide scholarships to qualified participating students. The board will determine scholarship criteria annually, and appoint a committee to set an annual scholarship budget, and make final selections.

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